Your Brand Should Live Where Your Clients Live
/Social networking is among the fastest growing uses of mobile phones – according to BI Intelligence, almost 40% of mobile phone users access a social network daily on their phone. Smart brands are taking note of this trend by making apps and other identities for popular social networking sites like Twitter and Facebook. Twitter attracts more than 60% of its traffic from mobile devices and Facebook, at last count, was generating 33% of its content from mobile phones, tablets, and other mobile products. Apps are a critical part of this mobile access to social networking. Apple announced this August that 30 billion apps have been downloaded from its app store, up five billion from only three months earlier and a sharp increase from just five billion in May 2010. Apple expects to surpass 45 billion app downloads this year. Grant Wernick, developer of the app Weotta, which recommends activities based on a mobile user’s location, believes social discovery works best for service-based businesses like restaurants, bars, hotels, and event venues. "In this world, where everybody's online all the time,” Wernick tells BI Intelligence, “people want more real world experiences."